In conversation with second time moms (and dads), this seems to be a common problem. Apparently, the arrival of a second (and third, fourth etc.) baby brings with it an increasing sense of (false) confidence and familiarity that inevitably leaves everyone less prepared than they were with the baby before. And this is definitely the case with me.
Here we are, less than three weeks away from D-day, and never mind being packed, I don't even have a hospital bag! We also have not unpacked all the boxes since moving into our new house three weeks ago, so Button's things are somewhere in the mix waiting to be washed. We haven't moved Button's cot in yet. In fact, this week is particularly crazy because Andel is away in Johannesburg on business for three days, leaving me on solo duty with Zac, plus there's a Michael Buble concert I fully intend on attending, and the final lecture in a course I'm delivering on Saturday. And did I mention I'm still a week and a half away from the start of my maternity leave? How did I get so busy? I'm pretty sure that this time last time, I was just sitting around (im)patiently waiting for my Peanut.
Having said all this though, I do believe there are some benefits to having gone through this at least once before - for example:
I am definitely more relaxed about the pending events. I am not as nervous or afraid. And at least I know what labour feels like, so I won't have to wonder if it's starting every time I get a cramp! I also know - with 100% certainty - that there are some things I really don't need. All the frills and pretty nice-to-haves are no longer on the list of things to get, and thanks to the inexplicable belief that I'd be having two boys first, I have a whole box of things from Zac that I kept and can reuse.
Still, probably the best thing is that I'm not in such a rush to bring this cutie into the world. With Zac I got so impatient so fast, by the time he was born (which was nearly a week early anyway), I was pretty miserable about still being pregnant. This time, I'm enjoying the last of this belly time with Button - and of my alone time with my big boy Zac.
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Zac using Button as a pillow while he still can... |
I know that this next chapter in my life is going to be one of great change and challenge (and not only because every single mother I meet tells me so), so even though Button is certainly on his way, and I am not quite ready, my goal is to go into this a little more open to taking things as they come, and dealing with them as well as I can, where I am, with what I have.
I probably should pack that hospital bag though...