Since we last blogged, we have had a few things to celebrate, like...
...Meeting Peanut Klaasen
On Tuesday 29th November, Andel and I got to meet Peanut (the belly name Andel has given our baby). We got a clear view of our sleeping child who only after much prodding reluctantly woke up to give Daddy a wave. And yes, it seems there is only one! What a miracle a growing baby is! We are now 13 weeks pregnant, and while our baby is only the size of my little finger, my belly seems to be preparing much more room - I officially can't close the top button on any of my trousers!

13 Week Preggie Belly
...Making the Grade
Amid much anxiety and impatience, I finally received my exam results. Considering that I only received assignment feedback last month, I was not sure how long this process would take, and I was pleasantly surprised to have all my marks back before the official date! I was even more pleasantly surprised to discover that I had achieved distinctions for all the modules. To be honest, I was elated! To say that this year of studying and working has been easy or even manageable would be a lie. So many times I have wanted to throw in the towel. But God is so faithful: He placed so many really helpful people in my path, and turned my lack of discipline, minimal preparation and last minute cramming (while in my first month of pregnancy) into an amazing result. I'm so amped right now, I can't wait to get stuck into those last 3 modules!

No Porridge Brain Here!
...Making the Cut
Each year Virgin Active hosts a rather prestigious (and exclusive) awards evening/theme party for star performers in the company. It's by invitation only, and involves being flown to Johannesburg for a night of fun, fame and fine dining. To qualify to be invited, you must be nominated for a national award by winning the regional award - or you have to be voted in by your colleagues as a club superstar. This year Andel and I were both invited. In the 5 years this awards evening has been running, Andel has attended every year (strangely enough, it's only every second year that I get to tag along!). While I was voted in by my colleagues, Andel was nominated. Twice. He was the only person in the company who qualified for 2 national nominations by winning 2 regional categories. While he (rather controversially) didn't win either categories, he was still the star of the show - for me, anyway! :)
Let the good times continue...
well done all round! and looking good, both of you.