Friday 9 May 2014

Mothers and their Mouths

Disclaimer: Before I receive any judgement for this post, remember, I am a mother, so I know, and I'm allowed to speak. This is my vent, so if you don't agree, or don't want to read, feel free to move along.

The mouth is a powerful thing. It conveys affection, enjoyment, congratulations and feeling. As mothers, we use it to whisper lullabies to almost sleeping children, smother flawless faces with kisses, tickle little bellies, taste (real and imaginary) treats, and speak promises that soothe, heal and love. Unfortunately, many of us also use our mouths to condemn and criticise - mostly other mothers.

"The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences"
~ Proverbs 18:21

Lately, I've heard of (too many) different stories in which mothers were/felt judged by women who, really, are part of this very special sisterhood. What is it with us? Do older mothers not remember what it felt like to be shopping with a screaming, tantrum-throwing toddler in tow, trying to get everything and get out as fast as you can, hopefully with something of your sanity still intact? How about not looking at others with that you-should-raise-your-kid-better face? Or these modern google-it-all moms (I confess, I google too) who feel the need to educate every other mother, undermining their - often fragile - maternal instinct.

I get the feeling sometimes that we think we're in competition; like the only way we feel good about their own parenting/homemaking style is to have a good go at everyone who's doing it differently to us, and it's just not on.

My own personal experience of motherhood is that it has been the most amazing, terrifying, fulfilling, totally overwhelming, loving and lonely experience of my life so far. As great at the good times are, the lows can be pretty low, especially when you've become a mom for the first time. All the Facebook updates, Instragram pics and Tweets don't tell you how tough it can be sometimes, and really, we just convey (and promote) this unrealistic picture of parental perfection, that, honestly, doesn't exist.

I just think that if there were more women/mothers speaking encouragement and support instead of reprove and disdain over each other, imagine how much better this awesome, privileged journey would be...

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen" ~ Ephesians 4:29

It is Mothers' Day this weekend, so why not, as a gift to all your mother family and friends, speak something kind and edifying to them, and tell them what a fantastic job they're doing/have done raising their kids!

Fluit, fluit, my storie is uit!

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