Hip hip hooray! This post marks the 201st blog entry at Catching Up with the Klaasens
- and time for us to catch up on what this blog is (should be) all about.
Bestie Spa Day (2016) |
Ironically, while the last five months have broken me more than anything else I've experienced in my life so far, I don't think I've ever been this content. Things aren't perfect; we don't have it all together; we often struggle financially, emotionally, even mentally; we often feel disappointed and impatient that the things we have been dreaming about and hoping for have not yet happened. But we're in a good space, learning to rely on God for protection and provision, and really making an effort to enjoy and grab with both hands the opportunities that each new day brings.
School photo (2017) |
Since the 101st post, a lot has happened. About a month after that post I was offered a National Management position in Virgin Active South Africa (
which, for various reasons, I had to decline). I was then asked to complete a Masters so that I could teach full time at CPUT. I also started lecturing part time again, and for a while went into a partnership with friends who were starting a business (
I have since left that, due to - ironically - my work and family commitments, but support them wholeheartedly still). Most recently I have once again, been involved in talks for a National Management position at VASA. All while I still teach full time at ISCT.
Following in Zac's footsteps (2017) |
It's as though we have come full circle. When we're not listening to Zac and Sam's rendition of Shape of You (Ed Sheeran) we are back to listening to
AJ Jenkins and all the alphabet, nursery rhymes and silly songs Sam is into right now. Zac has also, since starting to play percussion in my church band, been listening to praise and worship songs on repeat, working on his rhythm and timing. There's a lot of noise in our house.
Not so much for me. I am still no closer to that album I was talking about in
Blogging 101. I want to say maybe I'll have time when I'm on maternity leave. But I'm not sure how realistic that is, really!
Treat Night at Michael's (2016) |
I think it's safe to say that we bant. We gave up pretty much all carbohydrates in support of my desperate attempt to lose the baby weight I was still carrying more than 9 months after Sam was born, and it's just stuck. Don't get me wrong: we do eat the occasional (
sometimes regular) treat, but on the whole, we are a whole lot healthier (
and lighter) than we've been for a while. Banting apparently also affects fertility. That would explain a few things...
Amathunzi Game Farm, Robertson (2016) |
How I wish we had tons of stories to tell here. Truthfully though, we have done only one family overseas trip in the last four years. It was amazing, and really ignited in me a deep, insatiable desire to travel with my kids. Sadly the South African Rand doesn't really support those kinds of dreams. So we, still, try to do some local traveling when we can.
Sunset Walks |
Our family has gown by two people in the last 100 blogs. In addition to Zac we now have Sam and little Jellyfish on the way in September. We still have no pets, thanks to the rather small piece of land our house is on. Not that I'm complaining! Feeding three food-guzzling boys is a job all on its own, and I've only just managed to get Zac to help me bring the bins in; feeding another living thing will have to wait a while. Unless it's a fish.
Speaking of house. We bought one at the start of 2015, and have been there two-and-a-bit years now. I really love it; it's just the right amount of everything. Except that we have no garden or outdoor space, and with another human on the way, I do wonder how long it will be before we outgrow this space too.
Cape Town to Gauteng and Mpumlanga and back (2015) |
I've not been as good at diligently recording memories in this space. I guess life happens, and while I wish I could just think it onto this blog instantaneously, it often ends up taking a while before I get the time to jot it all down. I do hope that, one day, Zac and Sam will take the time to enjoy reading back on these times (
they currently just look at the photos and laugh to themselves), and realise that they may not have had everything, but they had a pretty good life.
Franschhoek (2017) |
As one would imagine, being parents of two young boys, there is plenty play going on in our house. From being made to scrum them both between my knees, or chase them on their bikes as I try to walk down the Promenade, to sitting through hours of Paw Patrol being played out in our living room, or the triumphs and tantrums of Uno games - our lives are actually pretty playful. And we like it that way.
Outside of that, Andel has stopped playing rugby altogether, and is now cycling like a wannabe professional. He's actually really good. Fortunately. So it's not like he puts in all the hours for nothing. It would be nice, however, if I too could get some grown up play and exercise in. It's on my list to do Muddy Princess after this baby, so who knows. maybe it'll stick thereafter. Maybe.
Christmas (2016) |
So we got the dream of another baby, in spite of
major challenges and under miraculous circumstances when we got Sam. And now we are having another! And so perhaps the fact that we have not yet realised the dream of living abroad and traveling more, is well timed. I still have the insane dream of becoming a doctor. But that's a whole 'nother post all on its own!
A day in the life (2017) |
There is nothing better than the sounds of belly laughter that rings from my room when the kids are with us, all piled up in bed. Just the other night, after reprimanding them for an out-of-control performance they put on while we were trying to Facetime family overseas, Zac and Sam took one look at each other, and doubled over in laughter - at me! These two have the most contagious sounding giggles ever, and it has helped me laugh a whole lot more too!
And everything else...