Tuesday 18 June 2019

Zac: SE7EN

I look back seven years, and they have taken their toll on me. For one, back in 2012, I was young, energetic, a sociable go-getter. Tonight I find myself in bed at 21h00 (not an uncommon occurrence), trying to recover from a pretty ordinary day. Not you though.

For you, these seven years have been wonderful. They have given your life meaning. Earlier you were sitting next to me, chattering your way through your thoughts (out loud) as you finished Horrid Henry's Birthday Activity puzzle book (that you received two hours prior) from cover to cover, and I can't help but think about all you have learnt to do in your seven years of life.

This morning you woke at 06h00 - a bit of a lay in by your standards - to start your day with your family. You made breakfast for yourself and your siblings, and skilfully negotiated improvements on your birthday gift. You helped purchase and prepare snacks for your buddies, and then spent hours with them playing proper cricket. You took some of the money you got today, and voluntarily paid it towards some debt you accidentally incurred recently. And you made a final stop at my bedside to whisper, "I love you mom", before going to sleep yourself.

How did that small baby grow to be this smart, strong, sensitive boy, so fast?

Zac, each step with you is a bit of an enigma (I guess that comes with being the first born), and like a good mystery, you allow us to discover clues about you, one hook at a time, until we can piece together what forms a picture of who you really are. And the more I get to know you, the more my heart swells with love and pride for you.

Happy birthday, my darling boy. You're a dreamer and world changer, and I can't wait to see all I know you're going to achieve in your lifetime. Keep your eyes fixed firmly on Jesus, knowing that He will give you the wisdom and courage you need to equal any task. You are so very special, and we love you immeasurably!