When I think back, I recall going to the drive in (remember those?) with my parents quite regularly. In my mind's eye I can see us in pyjamas and gowns, pillows in hand, on the backseat of the car (or the boot of my grandparents' then kombi), and the speaker latched onto the driver's seat window. But when I think of my first cinema visit, the furthest back I seem to go is around six or seven years old, to see The Little Mermaid.

We went with my aunt who, at the time, may have been the only one still unmarried and without children - I may be wrong about that. It was school holidays, I think, and my sister and I were treated to see the movie. And not only that! I distinctly remember, after having watched the movie, being taken to Woolworths to get Ariel t-shirts and tights as well!
It just so happens that The Little Mermaid is still one of my favourites, not to mention its killer soundtrack that I can still sing from start to finish.
Anyway, I digress.
This week I took Zac and Sam to the movies. At four years old, this was Sam's first trip to the cinema, and I must say I had reservations about how well this was going to work out. Thankfully, I roped in an aunt to go with us, for Mommy's moral support!
We went to see Toy Story 4. I love this movie franchise, as do the kids, so I figured it was a win for all. If you've seen the movie though, you'll know there are a couple freaky characters (for a four year old anyway), and I had to hold back my giggle when Sam, who was holing my hand, squeezed it super tight every time the Bensons appeared. To be fair though, Zac also got a fright - a few times! What was less funny, however, was about 3/4 into the movie when Sam stood up out of his seat and shouted, "I'm tired of this now. I want popcorn!" and then proceeded to go and sit in the aisle. Rookie mistake on my part - not feeding them enough snacks to keep him occupied. Still, it was an enjoyable - and definitely memorable - experience for everyone, including Sam, and can be ticked off our holiday to-do list!

ps. If you haven't seen the movie yet - go! It's great, and you'll love it.