Thursday 26 September 2019

For Bayley: Two Already?!

[Not sure what is happening with the formatting here; I've tried reformatting this post at least 10 times, and nothing changes. Sorry if it annoys you. It does me!]

In keeping with my theme of trying to do a creative birthday post while not having to think of too many new ideas for it each year, here is my birthday post to Bayley - based on the post I did for Zac and Sam on their second birthdays.

Bayley, how are you only two? You've been talking so long (and so much) that most people assume you are already two and are turning three. The time has gone by so fast; too fast. Just the other day you were a baby, and now you're this big girl. Before I forget all the ways you're changing, here are some things about you right now.

This morning when you woke up... You reminded me so much of myself as a child as you tried to hide away when your brothers sang for you (I have vivid memories of being sung to and immediately crawling under the table at Mike's Kitchen, on more than one occasion). Then you perked up when you realised it's finally "Se-tem-ber" aka your birthday and relished every moment. And you know how to start a birthday: not even the fact that it was 05h50 deterred you from heading straight for that little cake, and eating it right there and then.

If I had to describe your personality in three words, I would use... Bubbly. Strong. Mischievous. You are a beautiful mystery of adventure and affection, and you know exactly what you want. You wow me with your self-assurance, and finish me with your sense of humour. You are exhilarating and exhausting, and you make every, single day better. You're the game changer.

This birthday is significant to me because... if you are indeed my last child, I've just said goodbye to the last bits of baby, ever. I've been deliberate about trying to slow down with you (not an easy feat for me). It's not always worked out exactly right, but I'm so grateful for the times it has. Right now I'm balancing trying to keep you in my arms and on my lap without keeping you from the wonder that is getting older. 

You've developed so much over the last year... I honestly have to remind myself that you have only just turned two. I don't know when the switch happened, exactly, but you have grown up into this 'cryin', walkin', sleein', talkin' living doll'. And boy, can you talk! Not only do you talk all the time; you actually talk sense. You can argue - with sound reasoning. You are empathetic and, at times, manipulative. You walk around the house like a sergeant major, demand to use the potty, choose your own clothes and shoes to wear, and recently started wanting to help me cook. After a long while of faking it, you are finally getting your body to properly jump off the ground (it's the cutest thing), and you love playing cricket / soccer / rugby with your brothers.

I would describe your personal style as... eclectic, I think. Just yesterday you were wearing a pretty, floral top, without any trousers, accompanied by rain boots. And then on other days, you'll select for yourself an outfit that is perfectly coordinated to suit the occasion, be it: sporty, feminine or casual chic.

Your favourite activities include... eating (you devour anything and everything with the greatest delight), reading, and watching Peppa Pig. If you have a Peppa Pig book with a snack, you are in your element. You are almost always happy, and love making others happy too. You eagerly follow you brothers in whatever they are busy doing, and they lovingly oblige. I'm pleased to say that you seem to be outgrowing your need to throw everything into the toilet.

If I could predict a future career based only on what I know about you right now, it would be... modelling, perhaps. You love the camera. You unashamedly hijack everyone's SnapChat, and can do that pout-and-bedroom-eyes look on demand. You're going to give your father a heart attack with that! You could probably also be a performer, talkshow host, chef, or ruler of a small country. 

You like to eat... period. I remember, at the start of the year, how you were this long, skinny little thing, and then suddenly, you started eating. A lot. And you have not stopped. You eat good food, junk food, party food, spicy food - even cat food. You are strong, healthy and beautiful. I hope you always see yourself this way.

You spend most of your spare time... singing. The good folk at school are doing a great job with you. You have quite a collection of nursery rhymes and songs that you can - and do - sing at least once a car trip. You have a pretty good voice too. You can hold your key, and sing a recognisable tune.

Your worst habits right now are... watering things. You'd think having been born into the worst drought in Cape Town ever, you would know the value of water and have the sense not to waste it. And yet, you are always busy in some or other body of water. You love to drink water, which is good. You also, however, mess in the drains outside, jump in muddy puddles, flush toilets (less frequently now, thank you), and pour the water from your cup onto the table, onto the floor, into your food bowl, onto the bed, and pretty much everything else. You also have quite an impressive tantrum...

Your best friends are... honestly, probably your brothers. They dote on you like nobody's business, so you know you have it good there. You also have a couple friends at school you speak about a lot, as well as some overseas friends that you manage to keep a really good memory of. Then, of course, there is Elijah. He's actually Sam's friend from school, but you have latched onto him, and he to you, and when you're together you're inseparable. If Elijah gets a sister one day, I reckon you may have had something significant to do with that.

My favourite thing about you right now... is that, even though you are a daddy's girl, you still give me plenty of time and attention, and love nothing more than ending each day snuggled up against my chest. You give the most wonderfully lovely hugs and kisses, and if you were something I could bottle and take in each day, you would be my fix.

If money were no object, for your birthday I would have bought you... a puppy called Strava. Because that's what you want. You have saved a picture of a German Shepherd pup on my phone that you look at, at least once a day. I don't know how good you'd be at actually keeping a pet, but it does seem to bring you such joy. I'm trusting that one day, hopefully not too far away, we'll have a garden big enough for you and Strava to play in together.

The one thing I really want you to know today... is just how much you have changed our lives - mine in particular. You are the piece of this family that we were looking for; the one we needed to set the picture right. You are exactly what I needed to understand who I am, and what I've been called to do on this earth. You have opened my mind and heart to new possibilities, and brought to life a world of ponytails, dresses and painted nails - that I never thought I'd get - or want - to share with anyone. I can already tell the purpose on your life, and the gift you are to the world. Bayley, Jesus has so much awaiting you, and we can't wait to watch it all unfold.


  1. Happy Birthday Bug!!
    Beautifully written Rob.

    My only wish (albeit none of my business), no modeling for the sake of God!

  2. I love these posts. So grateful to be able to share in her birthday, somehow!

  3. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–Every word true, and straight from the heart!
