Tuesday 2 January 2018

Happy New Year

Some time last night, while laying awake thanks to an earlier nearly three-hour nursing nap I took with my bottle-refusing daughter (a story for another day), I got thinking about New Year Resolutions. Mostly, I was thinking about how much I suck at keeping them, and how if I really wanted to make them, I should probably at least make them realistic.

Around the same time, I saw a post on social media from a friend of mine about a Family Bucket List, and I was instantly sold on the concept. I love the idea of planning things to do with and as a family, and so, courtesy of www.childhood101.com, (and after a very long discussion at the dinner table) we put the following Family Bucket List for 2018 together.

I've shared this on this space, not only to make the resource available to others, but also so that we can be kept accountable. Please feel free to, at any time, ask us how well (or not) we're doing on this list.

Another thing not mentioned on this list, that I hope to do more diligently this year, is blog.
I know I say this each year, and then blog faithfully for only a few months, so this year I've set the bar a little lower. As much as I would like to blog more often, the reality is I have a home, a husband, two jobs, and three kids that also need my attention - more so than this space. Still, because I would like to maintain this platform as a library of memories for my kids when they are older, I have set myself the target of one blog post per week. That's 52 posts. I can do that, surely? Right? Watch this space to find out!

Happy New Year! May 2018 be everything you hope for and more!

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