Thursday 4 October 2018

Dedicating Bayley

For some or other reason, unlike with the boys, we went through nearly a whole year of Bayley's life before thinking about the fact that we hadn't yet officially dedicated Bayley (in church). It's both a big deal, and not. I mean, we feel dedicating our children to God is both a beautiful and faithful thing. We also, though, feel free to do things not in a religious, methodical way, because we have living relationships with Christ, and in that sense, we dedicated Bayley the moment we found out about her.

Anyway, we were trying to find the right time, and eventually came to the conclusion that there was none, but that it would be special to do it around her birthday. It just also happened that there was a long weekend round then, and what's better than a celebration on a Sunday? A public holiday on the Monday to recover, that's what!

So on Sunday 23 September, we had our Bayley Bug dedicated to the Lord. It was great to have our friends and family witness it with us, especially those who for many years have not been around to be able to share in it. But we also really missed Bayley's one godmother, Tarrin, and her family in Ireland, and the duPs in America.

Truthfully, what was meant to be a really low-key event grew into something so much more significant, we decided, last minute, to also just celebrate her upcoming first birthday three days early too. And I'm glad we did. We had our family and a few close friends meet up with us after lunch, and enjoyed a warm and sunny afternoon in the playground - chatting, playing rugby, eating and just enjoying each other's company. It was a good day!

By the way: the beautiful party pics were captured by our friend Jolene Voges. Please check out her website or look her up on Facebook on @jolenevphoto.

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