In celebration of Family Day, local radio station Heart 104.9 and international take out KFC, sponsored a surprise for Kim while doing her mid morning show.
The family representatives (there were too many of us, and we had to do a lucky draw to select who would go - I kid you not!) were bundled together and collected by cab from Papu and Yaya's house. We were taken to the station and hidden (if it's even possible to do that with seven adults) until such time that the surprise would happen.
First we waited in the general foyer...
Papu reading to pass the time |
Annie adding the event to her social network feed |
Clever Dom packed in a book - for Yaya! |
... then we waited in a back office...
How many Hendricks' can you hide in a corner? |
... then we waited just outside the studio...
Annie giving her 'live' Heart 104.9 update on the day |
Kim was shocked to see us. You know it's good when you surprise someone and they're simultaneously emotional, speechless and generally disorientated. As part of the KFC #familyday promotion we chatted about family and other things, before digging into some finger lickin' goodness.
Annie, ever the dramatic entertainer! |
Getting ready to go on air |
At this point Kim was probably calling for help |
Like I mentioned Annie entertained us - ALL day! |
Papu checking out Kim's real job |
Ash preparing for her radio debut |
Waiting for the cab to take us back home |
But it didn't end there. Once we were transported back home, where Andel was looking after the kids, we decided to do our final braai of the season - because having a braai is what our family does best!
Family is like branches on a tree. We all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one...
I love and miss my family!