Saturday 11 December 2021


 Earlier this week I sat over my spreadsheet of things we need to get for Zac. Of course, this spreadsheet came into existence pretty soon after we made the decision for Zac to go - and the list is pretty extensive: DBCS branded uniform, other uniform, boarding requirements, academics requirements, general requirements. It's also very specific. And expensive. The plan was to wait for Black Friday to make as many purchases at reduced rates as possible. As it happened though, there weren't really any specials for the things I needed, and I'll admit: I felt defeated.

But that's how God works sometimes. He wants us to rely solely and fully on Him. He wants us to compare our spreadsheets with our bank balances and wonder how the heck they will ever add up. He wants us to realise how powerless we are. And then He shows us how powerful He is. 

Jehovah Jireh means "the Lord will provide". It's one of the most popular names for God. Earlier this year, Elevation Worship and Maverick City released a song titled, Jireh. There is a looped bridge in the song that goes something like this:

Consider Lilies Sign | Etsy

If you've followed the posts in this blog for a while, you'll know: Jesus loves Zac. I don't mean that He doesn't love anyone else or as much; I'm just saying, He has shown up for Zac one testimony after the next. This time is no different. Daily I am getting calls and messages from friends and family asking what they can contribute to help. I also got an email from one of Zac's current teachers, knowing that he needed to purchase something for an end of term event - and she offered to pay for it. And then a parent already with a boy in DBCS contacted me and offered me some clothing at a fraction of the price. I even got a bonus payout from my insurer!

This is no joke: this journey is stressful on every level. We still have a long way to go with many more things to pay. But God is in it, and He is living up to His name - Jireh.

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