Excuse the daddy joke title - if you read the post, you'll see it's been quite a busy weekend, and my brain (if I still have one) is probably frozen solid.
This past weekend marked the start of the Knysna Oyster Festival and all the sporting events that come along with it. It also meant that we'd be taking our annual trip to the little south coast town for the Momentum Weekend Argus Rotary Knysna Cycle Tour.
Early on Friday morning, we rocked up at Papu and Yaya's house to set off on our trip. We were a good couple people short on
last year's party what with the duPs in America, and the Hendricks girls having other commitments in Cape Town, so we all climbed into the green bus and set off: Papu, Andel, Brendan, Adair, Zac and me.
05h00 bike set up for 06h00 departure |
Some of us were still very much asleep... |
... others were wide awake |
Sleeping on the way |
Him too |
Zac opted to read rather |
Group Play music courtesy of Samsung |
Safely at Lake Brenton in warm weather! |
Unpacking and settling in |
We spent most of Friday and Saturday in and around Knysna enjoying some of the non-cycling festivities as well, including indulging in some yummy oysters.
The breakfast table |
Zac ready to take the plunge into Andel's plate |
Look who we met at the Expo - Gabbi! |
Sunday was race day: Andel and Brendan started their 100km race of death at 08h00, Papu started his 50km race at 08h30, and Zac started his 500m race at 10h00. While this kept Adair and me very busy, it did mean we were able to see everyone off, and see them back in.
Ready to hit the road |
Brendan getting ready |
Zac getting ready |
Offloading all the bicycles |
Bernil getting ready |
Adair doing some cheerleading |
Papu ready to roll |
Zac carbo-loading before his race |
Some of the activities for the kids |
Riding to the start line |
The long wait before the whistle |
At the finish waiting for the big boys |
Monday was recovery day - and Adair's birthday - so we had a leisurely morning before hitting the road for the long drive home.
While a weekend away is always a welcome break from our normal routine, I must say that adding a toddler to the mix of an already very full weekend, without very many non-cycling hands, is something I need to recover from when I get home again!
(I will continue adding pics to this post as I am able to)
Starting young Zac!