Friday 28 December 2018

Day 16: Pause

I seem to have a Christmas / Holiday hangover. Not literally, like alcohol induced. I just seem to have had this trip and all the activities of the last few days catch up with me, and in addition to feeling shattered, the scratch-and-burn in my throat suggests I may be getting ill too. It should come as no surprise then that I almost didn't make it out of my pjs today. I took full advantage of not having anything really pressing to do, and decided instead to have a bit of a pause - in life, and on the blog.

I'm thinking about... how unusual this Christmas has been. While it's not our first away from home, it is the first time that my parents have not have us, Ash and her family, or Dom around. It's actually such an uncommon occurrence, that we have just decided to have Christmas in January instead. Having said that though: my parents sure do seem to be enjoying the peace and quiet!

I'm watching... a helluva lot of telly! I never really watch back home. If anything, there is just sport playing in the background sometimes. Here though, there is Sky TV and Netflix, and a host of catch up series and movies, sports tournaments and a host of other entertainment options. Today I watched some cricket, a couple old episode of Hawaii Five-0, and started the second series of The Good Doctor. It was a good day, and my eyes are probably square.

I'm listening to... the greatest Christmas playlists ever! I really do enjoy the seasonal music, especially the different interpretations and versions of songs. On my own, I don't have the time to put a decent playlist together, so it certainly helps that aunty Lynne, uncle Eddie and Spotify have already done so for me! Currently, my one of my favourites (although it's a bit of a throwback) is: A Strange Way to Save the World.

I'm loving... being here in the UK with my family to visit my family. It's been four years since we've seen most of the Weber family here, and also four years since we were last able to travel. Since then we have added two kids to the mix, which has made it considerably more busy (and logistically complex) to get around, but I truthfully wouldn't want to do this any other way. I can see how what my kids are experiencing now - being able to travel, and getting to know their extended family - is forming precious memories they'll be able to treasure as they get older. And it's wonderful to be in a home away from home.

I'm busy... procrastinating about the work that I need to have done before I return to the office. I know I have to do it, and I know I should do it soon so that I don't worry about it every day. Still, I don't get around to doing it. It's going to ruin what's left of my stay if I don't get onto it, fast. Tomorrow. I hope.

I'm going to... see my bestie in Ireland next week! When as friends you are separated on two opposite sides of the world, it can sometimes be hard to maintain a friendship like you want to. Tarrin and I have been apart in this way for over seven years now, so when you consider that we last saw each other three years ago, this reunion is overdue and much anticipated. I cannot wait to just be, together!

I'm battling with... some anxiety again. I had a bit of a wobble just before leaving on holiday, and it's taking a while to get back on track. I feel peaceful right now, but I know a lot of that has to do with the fact that I am no where near when my anxiety often originates. I can already feel the rising apprehension at having to go back home and face my demons. I am getting better though. I am so much more aware of what's going on, and how I'm reacting and responding to everything, and I am determined to continue the progress I have been making this year.

I'm resolving to... make the most of the rest of this holiday. That includes:
Being present with my family so that we can embark on adventures and make memories together.
Soaking up every minute I'm able to spend with my friends and family while we are here.
Not become obsessed about the lack of healthy choices I have made in terms of foot and fitness lately.
Be kind.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Days filled with making memories are more important! Enjoy!
