Friday 21 December 2018

Day 8 - 10: Wales

Everyone loves a good road trip, and we are no different. One of the things we were looking forward to, coming here, was the cross-country trip from the East of England to Cardiff in Wales to see my cousin Christopher.

On Wednesday, Uncle Ed finished work early, and we head off – him, aunty Lynne, and us. The five-hour journey was quite pleasant actually, thanks mostly to the mobile theatre uncle Ed had set up for the boys so that they could watch movies almost all the way!

We got to our accommodation in Cardiff around 20h00, in the pouring rain, and we were welcomed by Christopher who lives a couple streets away. It was so good chatting and catching up.

The next day we explored the city. First, we went to the natural history museum, something the boys had been looking forward to ever since aunty Lynne told them about the dinosaur display. Then we went over to Winter Wonderland, an outdoor carnival-type set up of food trucks, games, stalls and an outdoor ice rink. Zac, who has been wanting to go on the Bumper Cars for forever, finally got to go along with his dad, uncle Ed and Sam.

It was while we were there that it started raining again, so we made our way into a shopping centre where we could walk around under cover. There also happened to be an Adventure Golf place there, so the boys played a double round while the girls had warm drinks. 

When we left, it was dark, despite being only 17h00. I still can’t really get used to that. It’s like my body automatically assumes it’s nighttime, and then wants to go to bed. If only that worked on the boys! They were awake playing with Chris way into the night before heading to bed.

Friday morning was dry. We took it slow, before saying goodbye to Chris, and heading back to Norfolk. Needless to say, we all had a good snooze on the road, and are now refreshed for the weekend!

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