Friday 14 December 2018

Day 3

Today Bayley and I went to school with Aunty Lynne while Andel stayed home with the boys. I had agreed, even before we arrived, to visit Great Yarmouth Charter Academy, largely because of the incredible changes that have taken place there over the last year or so.

(For more information on this, just search Google; it's quite a story!)

To many GYCA would seem like a sort of prison. Admittedly, compared to schools of today, the rules that they enforce seem strict. However, upon closer inspection, they are very much like school rules were when I was a scholar. Anyway, these kids - even on the last day of school - are so well behaved and respectful. They were not even distracted by Bayley who was walking around the classroom demanding their attention.

Speaking of which: Bayley seems to be on the up. The pimples she has had around her mouth have dried up, and appear to be clearing. Also, she started eating today which is massive as she's basically been like a newborn nursing all the time. We took her to the pharmacist today, to see if they had anything to say about what could give her to speed her recovery and make her more comfortable. Even he said she's looking great, is chirpy, and will probably be right as rain after the weekend. So that's what we're hoping for.

It has been wonderful catching up with the family over dinners and coffee. It's something I've really missed. Now that we've had a chance to settle in, and Bayley is doing better, we are looking forward to doing some exploring soon too.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Now that she's feeling better, watch out for the explorer!
