We are finally here! I say finally not because the flight was long -
in fact, it felt relatively quick - but rather because it feels like we have been waiting a lifetime to make this trip!
We left Cape Town last night in a bit of a rush, to be honest. I had spent the entire day at work (
not a good idea, and I will not do it again), and when I got home had only an hour before we needed to be on the road to the airport. Add to this that I still had to finish packing, get myself washed and dressed, get Zac washed and dressed, and still pop by my parents to say goodbye - and you can imagine the chaos!
Papu's Airport Transfer Service |
After a trip to the airport in the trusty green bus with Papu and the duPs, an ice cream and a good half hour play session at Jimmy Jungles, we left for Johannesburg. Having been shifted to an earlier flight, we knew we were going to have a good three hour layover before leaving for Amsterdam, but we figured that would be enough time to get Zac ready for bed, recharge our phones and relax in the Slow Lounge. Too bad for us, the Slow Lounge closed an hour before we arrived.
Zac wheeling his suitcase into OR Tambo Airport |
Enjoying the first of three flights for the day |
Dressed for bed and off to dreamland |
Zac fell asleep while we were waiting to board, so we were able to settle into our flight without drama. And not long after take off, Andel and Zac were both fast asleep. I was pre-warned about the 'inconveniences' of taking long-haul flights while pregnant, still I was not prepared for my inability to find a decent sleeping position, or the number of times I would get up to use the loo!
We had a South African touring choir sing for us on the plane |
We landed in Amsterdam the next morning with a bit of a meltdown from Zac. He had been amazing the entire time until then, and we couldn't blame him for wanting a little more space to run around in. As we waited in Schiphol airport, Zac happily pushed his wheelie suitcase around, greeting the other passengers as we passed by.
Techno junkies - addicted to the free wifi |
Our final flight was to Dublin Airport, and was quick and uneventful. We even all managed a good nap. We were welcomed warmly and not given any hassles at customs. And then we realised our one suitcase was missing. Bummer! Still, we were given great service and assistance, and were happy enough when we met Tarrin's mom who was there to pick us up and take us home.
Eating the packed lunch from aunty Tarrin on the drive home |
So we are settling in for the evening (
I can't believe that it'
s already pitch black darkness outside before 17h00!), enjoying being reacquainted with treasured friends, and looking forward to a good holiday!
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