Tuesday 7 April 2020

Lockdown Day 12 - Terrible Twos

If a child's degree of mischief and disobedience is directly proportional to the number of times you call said child by their full name, then Bayley Cate Klaasen is going to give us a run for our money!

This girl is the light of our lives. She has a little bit of everyone in just the right proportions for her to be smart, funny, loving, and simply delightful - and well as absolutely, flipping naughty! Man, since the official lockdown, she has just come out all guns blazing, and given us a full dose of her relentless energy and larger-than-life personality. And as a side order to that, we have had mirrors covered in toilet soap, khoki drawings on the walls, smashed guava lining our driveway, and daily theft of the contents in our pantry cupboards. I suddenly realise why I pay her daycare the fees that I do.

Today she finished me. She dresses herself - on the days when she actually gets dressed, that is. Usually, she prefers to walk around naked all day - and today she decided to go for an autumn, Easter-inspired outfit. She then also opted to tie her hair back as it was falling into her eyes all the time. She looked so cute, I wanted to freeze the moment and ponder in it a bit. Because right after that, she just got back up to the mischief she had taken a break from before.

Hopefully this terrible twos phase is just that - a phase while she is two - because, God help us if she's going to carry this to her teens! I think Sam said it best as I overheard him and Bayley playing together, "Bayley, I love you, but you're nuts!"

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