But how he has stepped up to the plate. I have read countless tributes to him on social media. Even the World Health Organisation has commended him, singling him out in the manner in which he has responded to this global crisis, and done his best to protect the people of our country. One of my favourite descriptions of how he has handled the situation in South Africa is this: Third world country; First world President. It's true - he has approached this pandemic with wise council and genuine compassion, he has operated with prudence and integrity, and he has carried himself with grace - and good humour. I cannot think of a South African leader better equipped to take on this mammoth task than he.
So I leave you by this beautiful poem by Claire Lagerwall, and a reminder to pray for our president.
My President you're tiredWe can see it in your eyesIt's not really somethingYou can easily hide
We see you acrossOur television screensAddressing the nationOn a history unseen
We see you stumbleOver words being saidAnd I pause to wonderWhat's going on in your head
Are you coping SirWith all that you faceA broken nationLooking to you for grace
Are you okay Mr PresidentYou look so sadYour eyes tell a storyI'm sorry it's so bad
We pray for youHold you in our thoughtsThis is a warWe have never fought
I'm glad that you're oursThat we don't have to shareThat our precious nationIs under your care
With our cries of faithWe trusted God for a manWho could steer a nationInto unknown lands
Thank you, my PresidentFor being so braveWhilst a nation is judgingEach move that you've made
We pray for you SirWe really doAnd we thank GodFor a leader like you
