Thursday 2 April 2020

Lockdown Day 6 & 7 - Exhaustion

We are one week (and one-third) into our official (initial) lockdown in South Africa, and I am exhausted. Working / teaching / parenting from home has made one day blur into the next into a never-ending workweek. Despite saving time by not having to commute or do other activities outside of the house, I seem to have filled my day even more than before. It's more difficult to erect boundaries, and I find myself busy nearly all of the time. I doubt I am alone.

Just yesterday, a colleague of mine sent me this great article from The Chronicle. It takes a poignant look at the 'Corona-Inspired Productivity-Pressure', and the personal expense that comes with chasing that. Since then, I have had many more people send me this link. Either they know me very well, or I'm needing some divine intervention. The reality is that I'm tired. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, I am shattered. This morning I slept until 08h00 - and I never do that! When I'm not preparing myself for the day, I'm preparing my kids for their day, or my classes for their day, and at the end of the day, I'm just grateful I survived the day.

I'm a firm believer that there is blessing in this lockdown if we are wise enough to find it. I want to be one of those wise ones. I already know the time with my kids is an answer to many months of prayer. This family time together is the first that Andel has been home and has not had to be responsible for what is going on at work. Despite the physical distance, people are joining together. People are starting to dream, and plan. Hey, I may even be able to get going on my Masters... But first: a good night's sleep!

Our Top Self-Care Tips For A New You! | People Magazine

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