Ordinarily, we would be in bed by 21h00, and awake again by 05h30. We may be getting the same number of hours sleep most nights but it's definitely not at the same time. There is no urgency to get going, even though we are facilitating distance learning for three young children. There is no need to even be groomed. To be honest, all my professional online meetings (and I have two to three a day) have been done in a suitable top thrown over my pyjamas. Dinner is done before 16h00. We save time. And we lose it.
Between Zoom calls, Google Classroom, my inbox, my studies, and YouTube, I have serious screen fatigue. My butt and back are stiff thanks to my ill-fitted makes-shift desks, and the dinning room chair, clearly not made for extended periods of sitting. My eyes are basically squint by the time I get to bed. It's like I could have made it in one piece if tomorrow was the last day - but more than that? I wonder. I'm fast approaching being a brain-dead hermit who probably won't leave the house even when the lockdown is lifted.

Of course, I could be tired and emotional. Is anyone else feeling like this?
I'm glad to be working, but then I don't have children at home! 😂😉