Wednesday 29 April 2020

Lockdown Day 34: Craving Connection

The issue of connection - human connection - is becoming increasingly interesting to me. In my job, I have noticed an increase in the anxiety and withdrawal of our students as they battle not being physically contactable with their friends. It seems that even in the age of modern technology that allows you to virtually be in the same room, it's really not the same. In my own life, I have had almost a week now of vivid dreams starring friends and family. Some of them are my usual crew; the people we do every day life with. Others I haven't seen for ages. Regardless, I wake up missing them deeply.

The phrase "no man is an island" suggests that people thrive in community with other people, and I think I have to agree. As much as I have managed to still be productive this last month (more so in some areas than others, of course),  I can't really say that I have enjoyed it more. I liken it to surviving - a far cry from actually thriving. The truth is, I am craving human connection in a way that, without thinking, prioritises my relationships for me. Some of those relationships I have nurtured diligently these past few years; others I have neglected for ages.

I'm not saying we should use this time to evaluate the 'performance' of our friends or friendships. I'm not sure this kind of trauma (shall we just call this pandemic what it is?) is necessarily the best place to have perspective. Some people are frantically reaching out now, while others are focusing on coping themselves. We all deal with things differently. Perhaps, however, if is a good time to evaluate ourselves; do some quiet introspection about who the people are you really matter, and what we'd like to do differently when this is all over...

Yes, now i know the true importance of pure human connection after ...

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