Monday 20 April 2020

Lockdown Day 24 & 25 - Night and Day

Night And Day Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip ...

What a difference a day makes!

Yesterday was the literal and metaphorical calm before the storm. After summer-hot weather on Saturday, yesterday was pleasant and warm. Today it is storming. Similarly, yesterday was super chilled. It's a bit of a rarity in my home, so that's probably why it's raining today too. I'm talking about: I didn't get out of bed until about 11h00, and then it was to put on a load of washing or something, and I got back into bed again. I read, I did word puzzles, I graded some papers, we ate leftovers, we napped. S.U.P.E.R C.H.I.L.L.E.D.

I paid for it this morning though. And it's not like we weren't prepared for the week - I did that on Saturday (or so I thought). This morning, I was loading the work for my students onto their Google Classrooms when I got two messages - one from Zac's teacher, the other from Bayley's - and in flooded their work for the week. And I mean flooded. I didn't not know if I was coming or going. At one point we had four devices facilitating three different lessons, and for the first time since becoming parents of three, Andel and I felt seriously outnumbered. I had to deliver an online snack-making session around lunch time (I basically let the kids make their own lunch) before Andel went to work. Apart from a meeting at 15h00, I didn't get my own work before 16h00! Today, it got real!

I'm not sure whether to count down to the end of this extension, or put my head down and make sense of it all so that we survive. In the heat of the moment, I want to scream, cry, and call it a day. But when I get to the end of the day, having had us achieve something more than we expected, I have to laugh. This lockdown and everything that goes with it sure is doing a number on us all!

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