We interrupt our regular lockdown diaries to celebrate our 301st published blog entry. Now 301 posts in 9 years is probably not much to write home about, but if you consider how many times I thought we would never get here, I think it's worth a mention today!
I am at the height of happiness right now. There isn't anything specific to blame for this. More than anything, I have learnt to become content, and I'm in a place of peace that I have longed for, for years.
Who would have thought that I would be in my eighth year of school teaching this year. I certainly wouldn't have! I was so happy being a specialist tertiary lecturer, and designing curriculum, I didn't think I would be able to survive without it for long. But here I am, still teaching in schools. I realised early in my adult life that this was a calling I ran away from all of my younger life, and since I have accepted that, I have grown in whatever it is I need to do where I am - despite not knowing what that is much of the time. I am nearing 40 though, and I don't think I still want to be running sports and activities then - but who knows!
Starting a band, baby; we're starting a band. At least, that's what is feels like sometimes. Zac has being playing around on the drums for years now -
and is pretty good too - and has recently started formal piano lessons too. He's loving it, and coming along quickly. Sam has suddenly grown in confidence and ability, and readily leads the singing from the front of our church. Of course, Bayley will not let herself by outdone, so by the end of it, everyone is involved somehow. Did I mention that we received a prophecy a year or so ago about us, as a family, leading nations in worship around the world?
Surprisingly, spending more time at home both over school holidays, as well as the last while under lockdown, has really impacted my kitchen skills. I've learnt to make
roti and
hot cross buns from scratch. I make
homemade, sugar-free ice-cream; preservative-free, fruit popsicles; keto-brownies - it's getting impressive, by my standards anyway.
It's been a good season for adventures. We ended off 2018 taking a
family trip to the UK which involved us sharing each other's space every day for over a month. Not only did we survive it; we loved it! It confirmed for us that we are ready to take on some more adventure, and so later in 2019 we took an impromptu road trip up the Garden Route to get a new car, and then had a
hellish experience with AirBnB that took us on an unexpected and total treat of an adventure in Wellington. Since then, we're been braving more family things like camping, and now, surviving lockdown.
Andel and I have managed to keep our love under control, and for the first time on an anniversary blog, we are not adding another human to the family. Seriously though, we have crossed over into the second decade of
marriage, and if I'm honest I have to say that it's way better than the first! All that pressure of trying to figure everything out is gone, and we have finally gotten over all our hangups that sometimes prevented us from being real with each other. We are in love with our three amazing kids - and them with each other. And for now the only pets we have are: their dream dog, Strava (not yet a reality), a pending hamster (that Sam wanted for his birthday), and the gecko family outside that the kids have adopted.
I sometimes find myself scrolling back, trying to find out what we were doing a year, two years, or three years ago at this time. I have laughed, cried, and travelled back in time marvelling at the amazing things we've done, the variety of things we've been through - good and bad - and how God has taken us through it all. It's a wonderful tool to recall His faithfulness, and to testify of His goodness. The kids have also started enjoying looking back - for now, at the pictures - and remembering the events. I hope they'll have access to this for a long time still.

Things have gotten pretty serious in this area. Andel has taken his cycling to a new level. He's now done two sub-3hr Cape Town Cycle Tours (apparently that's a really good indicator?), placed 2nd overall in Knysna, and completed two team stage races - one of which he and his partner ended in 3rd place. Zac, in the meantime, has started playing cricket. I could devote a whole separate post to this, because he's crazy about it, and crazy good. Anyway, he started playing competitive mini cricket at school and club this past summer, and is loving it. So are we - except for the 08h00 Saturday matches; that we don't love as much. Sam has yet to decide on a path as far as his sport goes. He was enjoying playing rugby with Rugby Tots, as well as some cricket, but to be honest, I think Zac's intensity kills it for him sometimes. Sam has really developed in his drawings though - I'm talking at least 5 new pictures a day, every day! And Bayley: Bayley is game for anything and everything, so wherever the rest of us are, doing whatever we're doing, she is in the mix too.

ps. I am doing nothing. Again. Unless you count
Muddy Princess and Tough Mudder. I did those last year.
It feels sometimes like I am outgrowing my dreams. Perhaps outgrowing is harsh. I think I am maturing, and I don't feel the same failure I used to about them being so elusive. I'm back at uni during my masters, but it's no longer for my ego. In fact, what I wanted to achieve in one year, I will now probably only achieve in four, but I am totally okay with prioritising being a good mom and wife, and a faithful worker above that - even though I dreamt the other day that I went to med school. All in all, my dreams have become simpler: to love and to be loved; to have my family safe and together; to be content with my life, and take full advantage of the joy in every day.
I guess with happiness, peace, contentment, and love one tends to laugh a lot more as well. I laugh loud and large, deep from my belly, until the tears run down my face. And sometimes, I even laugh at myself!
And everything else...